Source code for resistics_readers.multifile

This module has utility functions to help when single recordings are split into
multiple data files.

In this scenario, it is possible for each data file to have specfic parameters
such as differing levels or scalings required to conver to field units.

Further, it is useful to check that the first and last times of each individual
file are continuous and without gaps.
from loguru import logger
from typing import List, Dict, Any
from pathlib import Path
import pandas as pd
from resistics.time import TimeMetadata

[docs]class TimeMetadataSingle(TimeMetadata): """ TimeMetadata class for a single file in a multi data file recording In most cases, individual data formats may inherit from this as there could be other parameters that are useful to save per data file. """ data_file: str """The name of a single data file in a multi file recording"""
[docs]class TimeMetadataMerge(TimeMetadata): """ This is an extension of TimeMetadata for situations where a single continuous recording has been split into multiple data files. This is applicable to SPAM data as well as Lemi B423 for example. To keep track of the metadata about all the contributing files, this extension to TimeMetadata adds a dictionary storing file specific details such as first and last time, specific scalings or reading parameters etc. """ data_table: Dict[str, Any] """The data table that will help with scaling and selecting data files"""
[docs]def validate_consistency(dir_path: Path, metadata_list: List[TimeMetadata]) -> bool: """ Validate multi file metadata with each other to ensure they are consistent This function checks: - Matching sampling frequency - Matching number of chans - Matching channels Parameters ---------- dir_path : Path The data path metadata_list : List[TimeMetadata] List of TimeMetadata, one for each data file in a continuous recording Returns ------- bool True if validation was successful, otherwise raises an Exception Raises ------ MetadataReadError If multiple values are found for sampling frequency MetadataReadError If multiple values are found for number of chans MetadataReadError If different XTR files have different channels """ from resistics.errors import MetadataReadError set_fs = set([x.fs for x in metadata_list]) if len(set_fs) > 1: raise MetadataReadError(dir_path, f"More than one fs, {set_fs}") set_n_chans = set([x.n_chans for x in metadata_list]) if len(set_n_chans) > 1: raise MetadataReadError( dir_path, f"Inconsistent number of channels {set_n_chans}" ) set_chans = set([", ".join(x.chans) for x in metadata_list]) if len(set_chans) > 1: raise MetadataReadError(dir_path, f"Inconsistent channels {set_chans}") return True
[docs]def validate_continuous( dir_path: Path, metadata_list: List[TimeMetadataSingle] ) -> bool: """ Validate that metadata is continuous For data formats such as SPAM and Lemi B423 which separate a single continuous recording into multiple data files, it needs to be validated that there is no missing data. This function validates that metadata from each individual data file does define a single continuous recording with no missing data. Parameters ---------- dir_path : Path The directory path metadata_list : List[TimeMetadata] List of TimeMetadata with metadata from a set of data files that constitute a single continuous recording Returns ------- bool True if recording is continuous Raises ------ MetadataReadError If gaps were found """ from resistics.errors import MetadataReadError from resistics.sampling import to_timedelta if len(metadata_list) == 0: raise MetadataReadError(dir_path, "No metadata in list") if len(metadata_list) == 1: return True dt = to_timedelta(1 / metadata_list[0].fs) data = [(x.data_file, x.first_time, x.last_time) for x in metadata_list] df = pd.DataFrame(data=data, columns=["file", "first_time", "last_time"]) df = df.sort_values("first_time") time_chk = (df["first_time"] - df.shift(1)["last_time"]).dropna() time_chk = time_chk - dt gaps = time_chk[time_chk > to_timedelta(0)] if len(gaps.index) > 0: logger.error("Found gaps between files...") data_files = df["file"].values info = pd.DataFrame( { "From": data_files[gaps.index - 1], "To": data_files[gaps.index], "Gap": gaps.values, } ) logger.error(f"\n{info.to_string(index=False)}") raise MetadataReadError(dir_path, "Gaps found, unable to read data") return True
[docs]def add_cumulative_samples(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Add cumulative samples to data table This is useful for multi file recordings and helping to decide which files to read to get a certain time range Parameters ---------- df : pd.DataFrame Data table with an n_samples column Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Data table with a first_sample and last_sample column added """ cumsum_samples = df["n_samples"].cumsum() df["first_sample"] = cumsum_samples.shift(1).fillna(value=0).astype(int) df["last_sample"] = df["first_sample"] + df["n_samples"] - 1 return df
[docs]def samples_to_sources( dir_path: Path, df: pd.DataFrame, from_sample: int, to_sample: int, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Find the data sources for a sample range This can be used for a multi-file measurement or for a measurement that is split up into multiple records. It maps a sample range defined by from_sample and to_sample to the sources and returns a DataFrame providing information about the samples that need to be read from each source (file or record) to cover the range. Parameters ---------- dir_path : Path The directory with the data df : pd.DataFrame Table of all the sources and their sample ranges from_sample : int Reading from sample to_sample : int Reading to sample Returns ------- pd.DataFrame DataFrame with data files to read as indices and reading information as columns such as number of samples to read, channel scalings etc. Raises ------ TimeDataReadError If somehow there's a mismatch in the total number of samples to read per file and the expected number of samples. """ from resistics.errors import TimeDataReadError df = df[~(df["first_sample"] > to_sample)] df = df[~(df["last_sample"] < from_sample)] # get read from samples # correct those where the data file first sample is before the from sample df["read_from"] = 0 adjust_from = df["first_sample"] < from_sample df.loc[adjust_from, "read_from"] = from_sample - df["first_sample"] # get read to samples # correct those where the data file last sample is after the to sample df["read_to"] = df["n_samples"] - 1 adjust_to = df["last_sample"] > to_sample df.loc[adjust_to, "read_to"] = to_sample - df["first_sample"] df["n_samples_read"] = df["read_to"] - df["read_from"] + 1 if df["n_samples_read"].sum() != to_sample - from_sample + 1: sum_files = df["n_samples_read"].sum() expected = to_sample - from_sample + 1 raise TimeDataReadError( dir_path, f"Samples to read {sum_files} does not match expected {expected}" ) return df